
Use Your Gifting to Serve One Another

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the multifaceted grace of God.”  (1 Peter 4:10)

Every single one of us has been given a gift…a special gift from God…and He intends for us to use it in service to Him and as a faithful entrusted steward or manager in how we use our gift(s) in service to others. This is a huge part of how we are to love one another in Christ’s Church and show the world what that looks like.

Peter continues with his “one another” exhortations from The Holy Spirit in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others…”

As if these commands weren’t already calling us to die to self for others, this one gets right down to it…whatever God has gifted me with is to be used in service of others. May we remember that as branches in the Vine (John 15:1-17), our service must be an overflow of Christ in and through us. Help us to not be caught up in “churchianity” service that is rooted in flesh and emotion but truly serve as it were literally dead to self and Christ in us!

There’s a big difference in telling The Lord what we’re going to do for Him and being a “living sacrifice” not conformed to the way of the world but transformed by the renewing of our mind in Your Word and Spirit (Romans 12:1-2) and saying, “Lord, here I am…have Your way in and through me.”

How are you serving others for His Kingdom and Glory? Is your service rooted in the excitement of the flesh or the surrender of your life to His will and way? There is a difference and I pray that you know it.

May our service truly be an overflow of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and The Holy Spirit in and through us. Whatever God has given to us in terms of spiritual and natural gifting let it be poured out to Him and may each of us be a living sacrifice so that He can do in and through us whatever He desires and that would be our reasonable acts of worship and service to God and others to build His Kingdom and bring Him Glory!

Food for Thought…Every one of us has been given at least one spiritual gift. We all have some natural gifting and in both cases there are some that have more than others. We’re not called to compare, rate or rank how we stack up with others. We’re called to give ourselves and our gifting back to The Lord and allow Him to use it to serve and love others.

Action Steps…

  1. Spend time with God and in His Word, prayer and listening every day…begin with the Scriptures in this message.
  2. Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
  3. When it comes to your gifts, how do you see yourself…God’s Way used for His purposes? Or man’s way in pride to see yourself above others or in frustration because others have more gifts that you do?     
  4. Pray and ask The Holy Spirit to show you how He’s gifted you. Take a spiritual gifts inventory to find out what it says and how it aligns with The Spirit. Begin today to see yourself through God’s eyes and gifting and use it to serve Him and others.  

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Love and Lordship Prayer Focus…

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me, and all of us, natural and spiritual gifts. Help me to remember that these are given to be used in Your service as we love and serve others to glorify You.  In Jesus Name. Amen.