
At Peace With One Another

“Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.” Jesus (Mark 9:50)

Love and Lordship in Focus…Christ never promised His commands would be easy…simply that they would be good and if we love Him we will obey them (John 13:34-35)! How can you be both salty and at peace with others? By trusting Him!

Our first “One Another” is found in Mark 9:50 where Jesus is giving some pretty stern warnings to His disciples after they questioned someone casting out demons in Jesus’ name because the person wasn’t following them (in their group or church so to speak). Jesus strongly exhorts His followers, along with some encouragement to those who will simply serve others (give a cup of water – v. 41 in their role as His disciples), and then closes with these words, remain salty and “be at peace with one another” (v. 50).

How’s that for contradiction and yet we know both are Truth because He is The Truth. We must never lose or compromise the potency of His Word (salty) by our words or our lives but we must also present them in such a way to build peace with each other as much as is possible and within our ability to do so. Remember this is in the context of Christ followers for in v. 40 He reminds them (and us) that “whoever is not against us is for us.”

Paul repeats this command in Romans 12:18 where he simply states that as far as it depends on us as Christ followers, live at peace with all people.

This is not about appeasing others just to avoid conflict or disagreement…that would cost us our saltiness. This is trusting in The Lord’s peace (John 14:27; 16:33) that we know assuredly, by faith, that we have in Him even in the midst of the struggles, disagreements and chaos. This is the peace that passes all understanding as we give thanks in all things and rejoice in Him (Philippians 4:4-7). Don’t lose your saltiness but be ever striving for His peace in and through you! What is His Truth and your tone and attitude saying to others? Are you salty and peaceful? How are you doing when it comes to being at peace with one another? Jesus in your life is the only way this can happen. Do you know Him as Savior and Lord and are you walking in His peace no matter what the world brings your way?

Food for Thought…You can’t be at truly at peace with others unless you have Christ in your heart and live in such a way that “all” others will know that you belong to Him…it is by our love that they will know who we are and have an opportunity to know our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

Love in Action Item

  1. Spend time with Him in His Word and prayer daily – read and study the Scriptures in this post as a way to start
  2. Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you
  3. Ask someone you love how you’re doing when it comes to living in Christ’s peace in your own life?
  4. Ask The Lord to show you how you are doing when it comes to living at peace with others without compromising His Truth?

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Love and Lordship Prayer Focus…Heavenly Father help me to love others in such a way that they will know that I’m a follower of Jesus Christ and will desire to know Him as Savior and Lord as well. I want to know and want others to know and live in His peace. In His Name. Amen.