
Consider Others Above Self

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility consider one another as more important than yourselves.” Paul  (Philippians 2:3)

How can we as selfish human beings be humble and place others above ourselves? Only in Christ and by His Spirit.

Last week’s “one another” called us to “submit to one another out of reverence or honor for Christ.” You want to know where this begins?

Philippians 2:3 gives us the example of Christ and tells us to do the same thing, “…In humility consider others better than yourselves.” Another command that shows us that the essence of Godly Love in and through us in Christ is to place others above ourselves. We can’t truly do this if we don’t know and love who we are in Christ.

A famous pastor and author tweeted a few years back, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is not thinking of yourself at all.” This is another one of those “pastorisms” that sounds great and may motivate us to act in the flesh but it’s not truthful according to God’s Word. Romans 12:3 clearly states what Humility looks like, “Do not think of yourself more highly that you should but do think of yourself with sober (clear) judgment according to the measure of faith God has given you.”

Humility is being confident and content in who you are in Christ (measure of faith) so that you can willingly submit and lift others above yourself. See John 13:3 for Jesus modeling of this humility that is spoken of in Philippians 2:3-5. You can only do this consistently in Christ as your flesh will always rise up to the comparisons, ratings and rankings that the world uses to feed your pride and destroy your life and relationships.

Let’s first submit to Christ and then to one another as we humble ourselves and truly choose to consider others better than ourselves because we know who we are in Christ.

Would you like to know more about Christ and who you are or can be in Him?

Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – Whenever we are in our flesh we experience humiliation…when we are walking in Christ and His Spirit we practice humility. Imagine what your relationships would look like if you were walking in Christ-like humility?

Love and Lordship…Action Item(s)

  1. Spend time with Him in His Word and prayer daily – read and study the Scriptures in this post as a way to start.
  2. Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
  3. What comes to mind when you hear the words “humility” or “humiliation?”
  4. What is your experience when it comes to humiliation and humility? Have you figured out the difference in order to be like Christ?

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