
Hot Topics Surrounding Marriage

We’ve spent the last few weeks on posts talking about key and foundational principles and issues from God’s Word when it comes to love, relationships, sexuality and marriage. The focus for these included “Serving is Love is Authority,” “Unconditional Love – Forgiveness and Trust” and others (check out for the past several articles, podcasts and videos)!

This week we’re jumping into deeper waters and some, well let’s just say, somewhat controversial texts of Scripture when it comes to Marriage, Adultery, Divorce and Remarriage. Remember, God’s Word also tells us, “Marriage is to be honored by all. For God will judge the sexually immoral (porneia), adulterers and fornicators (promiscuous).”  (Hebrews 13:4)  So let’s dive right in to find out what God’s Word and Covenant Order tell us about sexuality, marriage, adultery, divorce and remarriage…all in Truth and Grace!  (Parentheses in text mine and added)

God’s Word on Marriage, Adultery, Divorce and Remarriage

I want to wrap up these posts on marriage with what God has to say about marriage, adultery, divorce, and remarriage.  This is by no means exhaustive and there is certainly room for interpretation when it comes to these issues. 

As I’ve prayed and studied, here is where The Lord has led me with regard to these controversial issues that must be wrestled with in order to give Biblical guidance in today’s culture.   I do so here in succinct points with related Scripture and will share a story on next week’s LIVE that reinforces The Spirit’s leading and confirmation:

  1. God ordained Marriage to reflect His Image and to be in lifetime covenant – Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5-6
  2. Marriage – symbol of God and Israel and Christ and His Bride, the Church – Jeremiah 31:31-32; Ephesians 5:25-27
  3. God hates divorce and the breaking of the covenant – Malachi 2:16
  4. There are many reasons Moses allowed for divorce, all found in the “hardness of our hearts,” and marriage requires serious forethought and consideration before entering into it – Matthew 19:7-10.
  5. There is NO Scriptural basis for remarriage after divorce (with two concerns subject to Scriptural interpretation)
  • Marital unfaithfulness/sexual infidelity – Matthew 19:9;
  • Unbelieving spouse leaves the marriage – 1 Corinthians 7:10-16

6. One allowance for Remarriage (Death of spouse – 1 Corinthians 7:39) as all other remarriage, even in two reasons directly above, still ends in adultery for both spouses upon remarriage – Mark 10:11; Luke 16:18

NOTE:  With regard to all of this note that when the Jewish leaders were trying to trick Christ regarding marriage and divorce, He did not refer back to the Law but what superseded the law and that was their purpose and design from the beginning in Creation!  Powerful as Christ obviously knew that this was the standard and honor ascribed to marriage by God Himself and only sinful hard hearts brought about divorce allowances!  With that said, remember…

7. Divorce and remarriage – not the unpardonable sin (Blasphemy or rejection of Holy Spirit received only through Christ) – Matthew 12:31

These are not easy issues to deal with as they evoke highly emotional responses coming from deep relationships of trust and intimacy that are called into question at best and destroyed at worst.  However, as I’ve stated before, while our emotions are God’s gift to help us discern and decide we should never be led strictly by our feelings.  Also, I would remind You that regardless of the circumstances that may lead to these kinds of struggles and trials, nothing changes God’s Truth…we can always trust Him to work for the best outcomes as we walk by faith according to His Word and will. 

Contact L&L to let us know what you’re thinking and how we can help.

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Make it a great day and God bless in Christ!

Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – When it comes to pain and struggles in relationships, and in particular in marriage, are you willing to allow your emotions to guide you or walk in faith, trusting in God’s Truth?

Love and Lordship…Action Item(s) – 1) If you are married, moving towards marriage or moving toward divorce (and potentially remarriage), consider the seriousness of God’s Covenant Order and how you are viewing marriage…like the world or according to His Word; 2) Ask The Lord to help and give you insights to value the honor that He has for marriage and how you can respond accordingly to all things related… relationships, dating, sex, porneia, engagement, covenant marriage and the impact these have on marriage itself and how you are approaching it; 3) Ask The Holy Spirit to help you reconsider any of the above as He brings them to your mind so you will think and act in line with God’s Word and will, and; 4) Trust The Lord, His Word and His Spirit to give you wisdom, humility, strength and courage to see and act in such a way that you honor marriage as He designed and desired for you to do.