How to Speak to One Another
This “one another” is one that many, if not most, find a bit odd… at least to carry out. It is found in Ephesians 5:19, “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.”
I grew up in a singing family and early on loved to sing in churches, hit my middle school years and decided singing was not “cool.” As I matured I realized that singing and songs, hymns and psalms are such a blessing.
Now whether you choose to simply sing in the shower, in the car (and make people wonder), in the choir, a group or just along with others at church…remember another great command of Scripture…”Make a joyful noise unto The Lord, all the earth.” Psalm 100:1.
Don’t discount the value, beauty and the peace that comes with the singing of songs, hymns and spiritual songs. Someone has said that “music is the language of heaven.”
Now I don’t know about all music and I surely know that some music is not the language of heaven. However, there is an incredible amount of beautiful hymns, gospel songs, contemporary Christian songs and psalms that give praise and thanks to God, encourage, challenge and bless us and fill us with His Presence.
Why wouldn’t we want to follow through on this command?
After all, what you fill your mind and heart with is what you become. What better to fill it with than songs, hymns and spiritual songs?
Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – How do you respond, react and relate to others? What do you fill your mind and your mouth with? There is a connection so be careful to fill up with what is good in God’s Word, with spiritually uplifting songs…and share that with others as you speak with, sing to and relate to them! Christ is glorified when we do and others have the opportunity to know and/or grow in Him!
Love and Lordship…Action Item(s)
- Spend time with Him in His Word and prayer daily – read and study the Scriptures in this post as a way to start.
- Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
- How is what you’re filling up your mind with impacting your relationships?
- What needs to change today to be sure you’re responding and relating to others in the love of God in Christ?
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