Names of God – Pt 13
(Psalm 145:1) – “I will exalt You, my God, the King, and I will bless Your name forever and ever.”
Jehovah Rohi – “The Lord Our Shepherd” (Psalm 23:1)
Today’s first Name is likely one of the most well known and beloved, at least as we know it in the English translation, as it is one of the most often quoted texts in all of Scripture. The Name is “JEHOVAH ROHI – THE LORD OUR SHEPHERD” and is found most poignantly in Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my Shepherd…”
David then proclaims that with God as our Shepherd we shall not want, we are guided, protected, corrected, anointed and provided for…how awesome is that and how awesome is JEHOVAH ROHI – THE LORD OUR SHEPHERD?
Of course it doesn’t stop there with David as we find that Christ, as God in the flesh, is the Good and Great Shepherd, wonderfully described to and for us in John 10 (emphasis vv. 10-11)! Praise The Lord (PTL) that He is our Good Shepherd and that He does all these things that David described in Psalm 23 and that we as His sheep know that we can trust Him in all things.
Do you know Christ as The Good and Great Shepherd and even more intimately as your Good and Great Shepherd and follow Him accordingly? I pray you know that today!
Jehovah ‘Izuz ‘Gibbor – “The Lord Strong and Mighty” and Jehovah-Gibbor Milchamah – “The Lord Mighty in Battle” (Psalm 24:8)
Are you facing an enemy today? An actual enemy, your own flesh in a physical, mental or emotional battle? A spiritual enemy and battle…aren’t we always?
This next Name of God is actually two Names and builds on a previous Name giving us strength and hope in that He gives us victory in every battle. Even when we don’t see it or feel like it, by faith we can be assured, as David was in Psalm 24:8, that God is both JEHOVAH-‘IZUZ ‘GIBBOR – THE LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY and JEHOVAH-GIBBOR MILCHAMAH – THE LORD MIGHTY IN BATTLE!
Just as David proclaimed in his struggles, we all need God as The One Who Is mighty in the midst of the battle! He witnessed this strength personally against a lion, a bear and Goliath, and many times as King of the Israelite army in numerous battles, and because of God, and his faith in God, He was victorious in conquering all the pagan nations around Israel. That’s Who our God is!
No matter how many or how strong are those that come against us in any battle, He is our strength and might to give us the victory! Do you trust Him in your battle(s)?
Christ is JEHOVAH-‘IZUZ ‘GIBBOR – THE LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY and JEHOVAH-GIBBOR MILCHAMAH – THE LORD MIGHTY IN BATTLE in the New Covenant as we find in 1 Corinthians 15:57. We have power over every enemy and over every struggle, seen and unseen, in every battle that we come up against because our victory is in Christ, The Lord Strong and Mighty in Battle!
Nothing you are facing today or ever will be stronger than Christ who is in you (1 John 4:4)! PTL and walk by faith in the triumph that He gives in every situation and battle today (Romans 8:26-38 (emphasis v. 37))!
Jehovah ‘Ori – “My Light” (Psalm 27:1)
As we continue with the Names of God and in particular as we are making our way through the Psalms and how God revealed Himself to us in these, mostly through King David, we find an incredible Name in Psalm 27:1… “JEHOVAH ‘ORI – MY LIGHT.”
David writes a Psalm about placing his fearless trust in God and he begins it by proclaiming that God is his Light (and Salvation). No matter how dark it gets (and David faced many dark moments and seasons in his life) he knew that God was his Light that gave him hope, faith and an unwavering trust in God.
As we celebrate this season of Eastertide may we remember that Christ is “JEHOVAH ‘ORI – OUR LIGHT” that shone into a dark world and still shines today into an increasingly dark world as not only our Light but The Light of the world…John 1:4-5, 9-10; John 8:12. His Light is the Only Hope for this lost, dark and dying world and we are the ones who are to share His Light with all those that we come across so they can know this Hope, this Life, this Light and salvation!
Do you know Jesus, The Light of the world, as your hope and salvation? Are you shining His Light so others can know Him? That’s why He came.
Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – Jehovah Rohi is “The Lord Our Shepherd” and our Good and Great Shepherd in Christ whom we can count on to guide, provide for and protect us ultimately for Eternity! He is both Jehovah ‘Izuz ‘Gibbor – “The Lord Strong and Mighty” and Jehovah-Gibbor Milchamah – “The Lord Mighty in Battle” so what are your battles or fears today that you’ve not yet entrusted to Him? He’s patiently waiting and will never let you down. Finally for this post, He is Jehovah ’Ori – “My Light” meaning He not only lights our way to walk in His path but that path is the Light of Truth found in Christ as Jehovah ‘Ori – The Light of The World and our only hope of, and path to, salvation!
Love and Lordship…Action Item –
- Read the Scriptures in this article and ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
- Write down what each of the Names of God in this post mean to you.
- Think and journal what you’re facing in this season of life and which of these Names of God is giving you just what you need?
- Shepherd, Strength and Light…He is all of these. How is He any one or all of these to you presently?
Contact us at Love and Lordship to find out more about how you can know God the Father, Christ His Son and The Holy Spirit and The Lord God.
Check out this week’s Love & Lordship Mentoring Minute Video