
Names of God – Pt 21

“I will make Your name known among all generations; Therefore the peoples will praise You forever and ever.”   Psalm 45:17

El Tsaddik – The Righteous God (Isaiah 45:21)

Today’s first Name for God should give us tremendous encouragement as we find it in Isaiah 45:21. Isaiah is prophesying how God will, in the future, use a pagan king, Cyrus, to accomplish His will! He speaks of God’s Supreme Power and then He, God Himself, declares through Isaiah that He alone is God and that at some point every knee will bow and every tongue will proclaim allegiance to Him (give Him the honor He alone is due)!

In the middle of God’s declaration there in v. 21 He calls Himself “EL TSADDIK – THE RIGHTEOUS GOD.” I believe He does this because He wants to let Israel, and all who will believe on Him, know that everything He does is righteous. There is no unrighteousness in Him and no unrighteous act that He ever does!

Even though He is righteous and we were created for relationship with Him our sin broke that relationship. We look for it through the law, our fleshly desires, and through other created things but can never find the fulfillment because we are unrighteous…but for Christ! He is our righteousness!

Christ is our “EL TSADDIK – THE RIGHTEOUS GOD” to all who believe on Him. The Righteous God, in Christ, became our sin and unrighteousness so that those who put their faith in Him would become righteous (1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21)!

Again, how can we not praise Him, that even though we could never be righteous in and of ourselves and our feeble efforts, Christ has made it so for all who will believe in Him as Savior and walk with Him as Lord. He has justified us (“just if I’d” never sinned), sanctified us (daily shaping and molding us by faith through grace) just as He saved us and put us in a right relationship with God by making us righteous, and is glorifying us as we live for His Glory!

Where are you in your standing with God? Are you still trying to stand on your own righteousness? Have you received all that Christ has done in making you righteous before God? You can be in relationship with The Righteous God because you are righteous in Christ!

Jehovah Moshi’Ech or Yasha – God Our Savior and Jehovah Go’el – God Our Redeemer (Isaiah 49:26; 60:16)

We’ve spent much time seeking out and looking at the Names of God given through David in the Psalms and now through Isaiah. If you remember from recent devotions Isaiah is written in two sections. The first part is mainly warnings to Judah of the coming disaster for their sins and rebellion against God.

The second part is largely dealing with Messianic prophecy. It is here that we find one of the last Names of God in Isaiah. There are actually two names we will look at both found in Isaiah 49:26 and 60:16. Being very relevant to proclaiming the Messiah makes them very pertinent to us.

The whole chapter of Isaiah 49 is about God’s ultimate and complete salvation that will reach the ends of the earth. Obviously this is done in Christ the Messiah!

In v. 26 He proclaims that He is “JEHOVAH MOSHI’ECH or YASHA – GOD OUR SAVIOR.” These names are variants of Yeshua – God Who Saves and certainly point to Christ’s coming and our salvation. The new Name found here is “JEHOVAH GO’EL – GOD OUR REDEEMER” again pointing to Christ and helping us better understand that salvation includes redemption…from sin, self, evil, death and hell!

In Isaiah 60:16, he uses the very same names in proclaiming that ultimate salvation and victory that Christ will bring in the glorified Zion…the New Heaven and Earth…when Christ has set all things right and we will reign with Him. He is JEHOVAH MOSHI’ECH/YASHA AND GO’EL…OUR SAVIOR AND REDEEMER!

What an incredible and great God to come to us in Christ the Messiah as JEHOVAH MOSHI’ECH/YASHA AND GO’EL…OUR SAVIOR AND REDEEMER and both save us from our sins and redeem us back from all that self and sin had relegated us to…death and hell!

In Galatians 3:13-14, Christ is JEHOVAH GO’EL – GOD OUR REDEEMER and in Luke 2:11 and John 4:42 He is clearly proclaimed as JEHOVAH MOSHI’ECH or YASHA – GOD OUR SAVIOR!

PTL for His salvation and redemption for all who will put their faith (not just mental assent but lived out faith) in Christ! Have you?

Jehovah Ma’ozi – God My Fortress (Jeremiah 16:19)

With these Names in mind we look at our final Name of God for today’s post found in Jeremiah 16:19 we have a very reassuring Name of God as you enter into the hope and the unknown of each and every new day. In this chapter, as with many of the prophets of the OT, Jeremiah is declaring the destruction and distresses that Israel, in their wickedness, had invited on themselves. God was simply being faithful to His Word to show them the Truth of their evil choices.

After spending most of this chapter telling them that they would face the consequences of their sins, Jeremiah closes with the encouraging prophetic word that God was their strength, He is “JEHOVAH MA’OZI – GOD MY FORTRESS!”

What incredible encouragement as we face life with all the hopes, dreams, difficulties and unknowns. Jesus is our JEHOVAH MA’OZI – GOD MY FORTRESS who is always with us, will always protect us and has saved us for eternity even as we may face trials and troubles each day!

Jesus as our Fortress means that He is our security, protection, strength, shield, rock, literally that He encircles us and keeps us from anything that can harm us. While we live in a fallen world and face the evil and sin of those around us and our own struggles and sin, Christ is faithful as our Fortress to keep us secure in Him (Jude 1:24-25; Romans 8:31-39).

This does not mean that we will not face trials, struggles, sin, brokenness, disease and pain…these are all part of a fallen world and fallen people. BUT it does mean that He will keep us secure in Him and present us before God as faultless and blameless… what a wonderful God He is and a great Fortress – JEHOVAH MA’OZI – GOD MY FORTRESS!

Are you sure and secure in Christ? You can be! Let us know at Love and Lordship if you have questions or would like to know more?

Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – He is El Tsaddik – The Righteous God that none of us could approach apart from Him becoming our sin and unrighteousness in Christ and making us Righteous. He is Jehovah Moshi’ech or Yasha and Jehovah Go’el – God our Savior and Redeemer. Finally, He is Jehovah Ma’ozi – God My Fortress! All of this made possible and a reality only in Christ!

Love and Lordship…Action Item

  1. Read the Scriptures in this article and ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
  2. Write down what each of the Names of God in this post mean to you. 
  3. List at least one specific way that God has shown Himself to you in one of the Names in this post.
  4. Why is it so important that Christ as The Righteous God become sin and unrighteousness to make us righteous?

Contact us at Love and Lordship to find out more about how you can know God the Father, Christ His Son and The Holy Spirit and The Lord God.

Check out this week’s Love & Lordship Mentoring Minute Video