Submit To One Another
I love how God, in His Word, makes it so clear how we are to love “one another” in all the different ways, both in what we are to do and to avoid! This command today may be my favorite because I believe it lays the foundation for all truly loving relationships within The Body of Christ. Beyond that the next several verses in this text focus on marriage and family as the highest of human relationships and gives the reasons for it.
However this may also be the most difficult of all the “one another” commands?!?
This “one another” is found in Ephesians 5:21 and simply, yet profoundly states, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” This lays the foundation for every other good relationship follows Christ’s teaching when it comes to love and submission. We must begin with our love, humility and reverence for The Lord (the First and Greatest Command) and then out of the overflow of His love in us and our love for Him, we choose to humbly submit to one another as we’ve already learned to submit to and honor (revere) Him as Lord.
This “one another” governs all other relationships from personal and intimate in marriage, to parenting, family, church and government, including even how we relate in the workplace (see Ephesians 5:22-6:9)
So when you’re struggling in your relationships (marriage, parenting, family, friends, etc.), do you stop and consider whether or not you’re first submitting to and honoring Christ? If you’re not I promise you your lack of love, humility and honor will show up with all others…and usually it begins with those closest to you…spouse, children and family.
Let’s practice submitting first to The Lord so we can better learn to humbly submit and love one another in the same way.
“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” This is the key to all good and loving relationships. Let’s commit to doing this in our walk with Him, in our marriages and families and in His Church so the world can see His Love. If we don’t truly honor and love God we will never really love and honor others. It is only from our true reverence and honor of Him that we ultimately love and honor one another!
Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – Do you submit your life in relationship to Christ in humility and out of honor for Him as Your Lord? If so, then you are likely growing in doing the same with others. If not, then you are probably struggling in all other relationships.
Love and Lordship…Action Item(s)
- Spend time with Him in His Word and prayer daily – read and study the Scriptures in this post as a way to start.
- Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
- What comes to mind when you hear the words “submit” or “submission?”
- How is the way you respond and react to the concept of submission working in your relationship with God and with others?
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