Teach One Another
“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching…one another.” Paul (Colossians 3:16a)
Teaching others…and being taught by others…is central to our maturing in Christ as His disciples and how we make disciples. A once-a-week message is not nearly enough teaching for His Word to dwell richly in us! We need time with Him daily…and with other disciples/believers…teaching and being taught!
We continue our “one anothers” in loving, sharing and working out God’s plan for the Body of Christ as Paul has more for us in his letter to The Church at Colossi. In Colossians 3:16 he tells us to “Teach…[one another].”
Remember loving “one another” has to do with helping each other grow in Christ. Paul states in Ephesians 4:14-16 that this comes about both individually and collectively as we “speak the Truth in Love.” So teaching each other…and being willing to be taught by each other…is a major part of us growing as disciples and together as Christ’s Church.
This is partially done as we gather to hear messages from preachers but that is not nearly enough. This is evidenced by our culture where our churches have allowed folks to simply come, sit and hear a 20 to 60-minute message and think that’s getting the job done. We are losing the culture wars at every turn because we are not teaching to make disciples who make disciples of Jesus Christ who can stand in the face of this pagan culture.
Preaching in our weekend services is needed…but it’s not enough…it is just the beginning of teaching. How can God’s Word dwell in you richly with that little amount of preaching/teaching? Let’s teach one another and be willing to be taught by one another in line with God’s Word and by His Spirit.
This is the only way that The Word of God can and will dwell richly in us as we are willing to teach one another and personally follow through with our own studying of His Word. Only then will we be disciples who stand strong in the face of adversity and be The Church against which the gates of hell cannot prevail or stand against!
Love and Lordship…Food for Thought – This is our message and our hope…all our preaching, teaching and discipling must be rooted and founded in The Cross and The Tomb…the sacrificial death of Christ and His Victorious Triumph in rising from the dead! This is our greatest teaching and we must never think that anything else has the power to change lives for Eternity.
Love and Lordship…Action Item(s)
- Spend time with Him in His Word and prayer daily – read and study the Scriptures in this message as a way to start.
- Ask The Holy Spirit to teach you.
- Be sure you have someone (or more than one) who is teaching you and pouring into your life.
- As you mature, be sure you are teaching and pouring The Word and Life of Christ into others.
Contact us at loveandlordship@gmail.com.