
Valentinus: The Real St Valentine

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.     Paul (1 Corinthians 13:13)

“‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”         Paul (Ephesians 5:32-33)

Love and Lordship in Focus…St. Valentine’s historical defense of Love is far more about God’s Truth in love and marriage than our modern day twisting of love rooted in perverted romance and sex apart from God’s Word.

We interrupt our “One Another” series this week but we do not change the focus of the series…how are we to love others. Valentine’s Day gives us a perfect opportunity to reflect on what love, romance, marriage and sexuality is according to The Author, God, or Love Himself.

The legend of St Valentine’s is much more about commitment to marriage than to Romance. Both are important but Valentine was not martyred for peddling romance and sex contrary to today’s popular celebrations and focus.  He was martyred for standing up for God’s design for Marriage against a government (Roman Emperor who outlawed marriage thinking he would have men who would be more committed to Rome. In time it became very evident that men were much more willing to die for their spouse and the country in which they lived than to do so simply for king and country).  Valentine ultimately gave his life for the sake of Marriage as he traveled around the Roman Empire and secretly married couples (one man and one woman couples) because he chose to obey God and follow His Covenant Order and law rather than man’s (the Roman Emperor and his laws)! How’s that for real love and romance…sadly enough we’ve made it all about worldly selfish desires that we call romance…and of course, sex. 

Marriage is God’s design for love, oneness, romance and sex all rolled into one, ultimately to glorify Him!  And it’s AWESOME!  It’s not easy and it takes work contrary to the fairy tale and pornified cultural message that inundates us. God’s design and desire in Marriage is clear…Male and Female, Husband and Wife in a life-long covenant commitment that is to be honored by all ( Hebrews 13:4)! Does anyone else see the incredible significance of this statement at the end of one of the most powerful theological books in The Bible?

Why do you think The Holy Spirit inspired the writer of Hebrews, at the end of this incredible book of theology that ties the Old Covenant in every way to being fulfilled in the New Covenant in Christ, to make this profound statement regarding Marriage? Because it’s that important to God in His design to protect and bless us as individuals, couples, families and in our societies! We destroy ourselves and our culture when we dishonor God’s Word and marriage!

When we honor marriage it means that we honor all relationships (ours and others), before, during and after marriage according to God’s Covenant Order and Design.  St. Valentine and his day are really about marriage, sexual self-control outside of marriage and building Godly, healthy relationships, much more than our modern-day concept of sex and romance…but don’t miss the romance!

Focus on Romance only and both will fail…focus on Marriage/Commitment while working on Romance, yes, I said working on Romance, and both will blossom!  Marriage is one of God’s most precious and incredible gifts given to humankind in order for family, community, His Church, and nations to flourish! Contrast this with yesterday’s message and quote from Lenin, Founding Father of Communist Russia…and many in our country who are seeking to do the same thing in almost exactly the same way!

St. Valentine, Romance and Marriage…Elevate and give Marriage, your marriage and all relationships, the honor God’s Word ascribes according to His Truth, and graciously call into account all those relationships that do not honor God’s design for one man/one woman marriage (cohabitation, promiscuity, divorce, homosexuality, gender bending and dysfunction and more) …Valentine was willing to give his life for it…maybe he was on to something!?!

Who will stand with me as modern-day Valentines against the lies and deceptions of media, education and government and stand for Marriage, Family and Romance in line with God’s Truth so we can leave a better legacy for our children and communities than what was left to us?  

 Food for Thought…God’s design for Marriage calls us as believers to honor marriage not just when we say, “I Do” but long before with self-control and integrity in every relationship that carries over into marriage and blesses our union and our family! This in turn strengthens our churches, communities, culture and nations…how’s that for honoring St. Valentine and even more so for honoring God and His Word!

Love in Action

1.  Take time to reflect on God’s design for Marriage, relationships and sexuality.  What does that say to you? 
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.  Genesis 1:27
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.  Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. Genesis 2:24-25
So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no person is to separate. Matthew 19:6
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.  Hebrews 13:4

2.  Ask The Holy Spirit to show you how this impacts your marriage and spouse.
3.  Ask The Father to reveal His will for your relationships, your present or future marriage and spouse as well as your family.

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Love and Lordship Prayer Focus Heavenly Father, Thank You for making it so clear in Your Word what Love actually is, how to enjoy and share romance within that Real Love, and how marriages, families, churches, and yes, even our culture can thrive as we are willing to be obedient to You. May our love always reflect Your Love found only in Your Truth. In Jesus Name. Amen.